Upload Schedule Update!

Short announcement. In addition to the Daily updates ive been doing, ill now be sending out each update around the same time every day! Ill be sure to announce beforehand if things pop up and i have to release them later, but as of now, each update will be released at:

Noon, 12:00 AM  [ Eastern Standard Time ]

What to expect for the next update?: 

For this update ill be focusing more so on updating older sprites, and adding a bit more variety to the ones we already got, if you'd like to see WIP's of my progress between updates, be sure to check out the Discord i use to log my dev activity!

One last thing: if you'd like a more organized and consistent series of content added to this pack, rating the pack to boost its visibility is the best way to ensure that continues, if you dont know where the button is to rate, just click here! https://crumpaloo.itch.io/whimsy-hallow/rate

Anywho that should be all, cheers!

- Crumpaloo

Oh also just a random funny thing i made XD

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