( 7/2/24 ) Version 1.26 ( Decorations, Reorganizing, and more! )

Hey yall, Things are shaping up decoration-wise here at Whimsy Hallow, especially so after this update! Alot of the older furniture has been resprited to conform to the ever solidifying art style we have, as well as some new decorations too! Anvils, Grinding Stones, Workbench, etc etc. Frankly its way too much to say without a list, so here goes!:

[ Resprites ] :

- Floor Candles 

- Dressers

- Pots 

- Signs

- Stools

- Beds

[ Adds ] :

- Mirror Dresser

- Anvil

- Workbench

- Wall Candles

- Alchemy Table

- Grinding Stone 

- Wall Mirror

- Food and Drinks

- Tall Wardrobe

- Small and Big Wood Pile

- Cooling Steel Water Bin

- 4 paintings

- Campfire w/ Rotisserie stick 

- Open Horizontal Windows

- Open Vertical Windows

- Kingsize Bed

- 2 new colors for regular bed and bunk beds ( Green/Blue )

- Head-on Wooden Door w/ opening/closing animation

- Game Dev Editor Icons

In addition to all these... additions, ive organized the asset pack into 4 sections: Characters, Animations, Decorations, and Tilesets as you

can see here: 

Hopefully that helps making it more accessible upon download, with that, i think that wraps up this big update, Enjoy!

- Crumpaloo


DungeonPlatformerAssetPackV1.26.zip 264 kB
2 days ago

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Pillar is not aligned to the grid

Updated the file again, Pillar is now fixed and looks better scaled up.

Thank you

Ladder looks odd when scaled up

Yeaaah ill quickly fix that ladder for ya, as for the tilesets, the original stone brick + wood tilesets have gotten the most attention thus far, any of the other ones are more newer/experimental additions, which is why they are different in general

Also, the ladder should be moved right by one pixel, because it looks odd.

Hey, Just updated the ladders, they should be good scaled up now, just tested em.


Just keep in mind its 3 parts: Top, Middle, Bottom 



Why are some walls in this format, and others are in another? That creates confusion in auto tile rules.