( 6/25/24 ) Version 1.20 [ Massive Character Animation Update ]

After a long day of animating and copy-pasting, im happy to announce that all the playable character classess now have their own animations! This update wont include NPC's like the Noble or Peasants. 

In total there is:

Walking Animation - 6 Frames

Running Animation - 6 Frames

Jumping/Landing Animation - 6 Frames

Attack Animation - 3 Frames

Hurt Animation - 6 Frames

Game Over Animation - 6 Frames

These animations, again, have been applied across all hero classes

That's 10 classes in total, for both male AND female versions, creating a total of 20 possible variations across the board.

Aside from the screenshots of a few examples in sprite sheet form, ill be posting some actual animations of these in the works in the coming day or so, for now though, have a good night!



DungeonPlatformerAssetPackV1.20_Backup_New.png 199 kB
3 days ago

Get Whimsy Hallow Dungeon Asset Pack

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